My great grandmother just died at 100 years old. 100. I can't even be sad, because after 100 years, she deserves a break.
It's made me think: Where will I be in 100 years? Where will this world be in 100 years?
Sometimes, I wish I were Amish. There's something about that lifestyle that attracts me. The simplicity, the faith. Yea, I think they might have it all right. But, I have been called the 100% opposite way. Still, I have no idea why.
Some proof:
I've often made deals with God. I've heard it's not how you're supposed to work, but it works in our relationship. I dedicate a set amount of time to a project, and he follows through on the end. Example: I promised to keep the faith, keep our relationship, not drink, not party, not get involved in anything I'm not supposed to, go to church, go on missions, and work hard for four years. God was supposed to provide a job at the end of it.
About a month ago, I got frustrated because I didn't have a job offer.
Then, even in this economy, I got six job offers in six wonderful places. I think God was showing off a little, but hey, when you create the world, you can do that.
I got into a grad program in Springfield, IL. that only takes 18 students a year.
I got offers in Huntsville, Beaumont, Shreveport, upstate NY, and Chattanooga.
I've never been special, and I'm still not. That's why this story works out to His glory. And, I haven't even graduated yet.
I feel like I end so many of these posts saying, "I can not ask for more," and I probably do overuse that. It's just so true.
I'm moving to Chattanooga in two months. I use "I" so much in these posts, which is funny because they are never about me.
The bottom line is that I think this whole thing is funny. I wish I were Amish. I think it's the coolest life imaginable. And, I've been called to work in the worldliest part of the earth with the wildest people. I think it's going to be ok, though, the whole "little girl heading out alone" thing. If the same God that holds salvation and can conquer death and this job market has His eye on me, I'll be ok.
Grace and Peace,
PS: This has been my verse throughout all of college:
"I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:
8 Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing." 2 Timothy 4:7-8. Perfect, isn't it?