Friday, September 25, 2009

Old School.

Last night, I sat in my journalism ethics class and listened to this conversation.
Girl one: "Are there any hookah bars in Tuscaloosa?"
Guy: "yea blah blah blah it's here here here."
Girl: "But is it a good hookah? Do you get one free if you buy a meal?"
Guy: blah blah blah no.

So, I'm exaggerating. The bottom line is that there are somethings ladies should not do or discuss. The inexplicable infatuation with a "hookah" is numero uno. The fact that I hate that word puts it above some other more-descriptive things.

Here's my list.

1. Don't talk about smoking. Or smoke. No "Hookahs" no cigarettes, no pot. Don't do it. You lose your femininity, and it's gross. Stop it. Be a lady.
2. Don't talk about sex. There is one friend who I do this with, because she's a medical professional and it's always from a scientific point of view. Save that for your husband. Under no circumstances should you ever talk about this in mixed company.
3. Don't swear. Don't, don't don't don't don't.
4. Don't talk about alcohol. It's not lady like to discuss what beer you drank with who and how many times you fell down the stairs. I wish you could see how trashy you look.
6. Sit with your legs crossed. Remember your mother saying that? She was right. Crossed at the knee for casual conversation, crossed at the ankles for things that are more formal (ie interviews, funerals, weddings, ect.)
7. Watch those facebook photos. You will look trashy. Just untag yourself.
8. Keep your manicure good. And pedicure. Actually, just be feminine. Nails short, clean, not some crazy color. Red for winter/Christmas. Pink/nude for everyday.
9. Stand up straight. I walk around campus and see so many girls slouching. Stand up.
10. Keep some mystery. Keep it classy, ladies.

OK, so this has been a rant. The bottom line is that we're called to be different- set apart. Equality does not mean having to be one of the boys. Don't expect to be treated like them, and don't accept it. Guys, don't swear in front of girls. Just don't.

Grace and Peace,

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