I've been looking at this picture all afternoon. Her name is Yolanda. She's 5. I'm now sponsoring her through World Vision, a Christian organization that helps children in poverty. I can't wait to start writing letters and sending toys. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, right? I like to think she's rowdy. She looks how I feel most days. Hair messed up, a little dirty, tired. She doesn't trust whomever is taking that picture.
I think this kid can hold her own. She has two brothers, and I bet she just finished beating them in soccer (futbol) when she stopped to take this picture.
I write all the time about how blessed I've been. But, what makes me so blessed and her so poor? I'll never understand. Never. I've written that same questions in prayer journals, letters, mission journals, I've asked God, I've asked missionaries. There's never an answer.
I miss Panama. I miss Mexico. I miss spending the nights outside just talking to my mission team and the people we're working with. We (I) get so wrapped up in the world. I know I want to be successful. It's always been my plan to be a successful writer so I could either A. be a Christian journalist or B. Be a good example in a newsroom because newsrooms are possibly the vilest workplaces. It's all about how to look good, how to act right, how to be the best. And, I think my intentions are pretty good. I mean, I do want to achieve those things so I can glorify Him. I still believe that the Lord helps those who help themselves. I believe that so much. But maybe I've forgotten to bring the lessons I learned in Panama, Mexico and Houston back into the workplace. I mean, in just 7 hours I've fallen head-over-heels in love with this picture of this little girl. Why can't I do that with the people I'm around all the time?
Anyways, my favorite show is on TV, the sweetest puppy is asleep at my feet, some brand new pajamas are waiting for me and tomorrow is just another chance to get it all right. I'm so thankful for my little reminder of what it's all about.
I think it's funny to say somethings "keep us grounded" when really they keep our minds to the heavens, not to the ground.
Grace and Peace,
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