Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Joy for the morning.

I'm so happy. It's going to be a good day.

Two things worth mentioning:
1. Last night at our Girls' Bible study, some of the little 10th grade girls talked about how they were only buying second hand clothes for an entire year. Amazing. How are they so young and so wise at the same time? One of the girls had gone to Baja, Mexico and decided that if they weren't getting new clothes, she shouldn't be either. I've been to Mexico, but I've never thought of doing that. They were so cute. Man, they have quite a few years worth of wisdom on me. They spoke about how we are called to help the poor--not just the poor in spirit, but the actual, physical poor.

Those little ones are going to change the world.

2. This morning in my Latin American Politics class, the professor showed a slide of an awfully old rope bridge suspended across the Amazon river (which is full of all God's scary creatures). He asked, "who would walk across that?" and without a second of hesitation two soldiers in the back raised their hands. I love soldiers. I love knowing that there are still men willing to die for our country. How blessed are we?

It's going to be a good day.

Grace and Peace,

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