Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Oh we've hopelessly lost our way.

It's been one of those days.

One of those days where you run the marathon, fight the good fight and still lose.

And then I got home. Then I saw my front door, my puppy and my little house. I love it.

On our walk I realized something- I'm too blessed for this. I'm too blessed to stay stressed out. We walked outside and felt the sun. Deep breath. We're not in control.

Earlier today, my Momma emailed me this:

You know freaking out before you need to. And if you don't get it, that just means that God has a different plan. And he is much better at figuring out what we need then we are. Thank goodness for that. You need to settle down, and "get your head right".

I've been stressed out about an interview I have Friday. When I was a sophomore, a girl told me that I would never get this internship and that I should "aim lower." So, the application, the interview, the whole thing has been hanging over my head for more than two years now. Can I do it? Am I talented enough? Maybe. But momma reminded me today that I'm really not in control. If I get it, I'll be thrilled. I'm a hard worker, I'm qualified, and I'd be a good intern. If I don't get it, then God has other plans and His plans will always be greater than mine. How nice.

I live the clean life, and from here on out, it's going to be cleaner. I don't swear. I'm a good girl. I watch the way I act around guys. Right now the only thing on my mind is being a good, ethical journalist. In all that you do, do it for the glory of God. Right?

The interview will come and go this Friday. I may get the internship- I hope so much that I do. But, if I don't, I'll keep working. I'll keep giving everything my all.

It's comforting, don't you think? To know that working hard and living simply won't go to waste.

I'm loving the song "Wonderful, Merciful Savior" right now.


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