Wednesday, September 9, 2009


So, I started blog-stalking some people today. Here's what I found: They all have a theme! Great TV shows, football, healthy eating, kids. Mine doesn't have a theme. OH NO. I have another blog that I've just started that includes all the crazy stuff that happens to me on my road to becoming a good journalist, but this one? This one doesn't have a theme. I came up with some ideas.

1. Experiments in fast food. Think along the lines of "Supersize Me." I eat out for 3 meals a day and I'm pretty small, so maybe there is a way to eat fast food and still be healthy.
2. Football from a girly girl's point of view.
3. Best of Check this one out: The reason some girls stay single. It's hilarious.
4. Cleanliness. Something like Real Simple maybe?
5. Running?

Then I realized that this blog might actually already have a purpose. It's purpose is to encourage, inspire and entertain the girls like me. We're the simple ones, the driven to succeed, the ones who won't settle for average, the ones who want all this world can give us and then some. We're the ones that live the pure life, and that's probably never going to be easy again. If I tell my stories of the simple life, I want you to read them and know you're not alone.

There are going to be bad days. I hardly ever like Tuesdays. I mean, God why do you have Tuesdays? I can't remember ever having a wonderful Tuesday. But, when you have bad days and read about my bad days, I hope you realize you're not alone. You're not the only one who still believes in good manners and Southern gentility. You're not the only one who won't settle for a boy that won't open the door. You're not the only one who goes a little crazy sometimes. I do it too. Oh well. It's our craziness that keeps us all from going insane.

I think this blog is also about blessings. Sometimes you need to remember how blessed you are, and I hope that something I write will jog your memory of something you're thankful for. Maybe I can remind you about your family or friends? I hope so.

And now, at this very moment, I'm thankful for Hanes men's tshirts, cotton pajama shorts, clean sheets and a puppy to curl up at the end of my bed.

So, there's your theme. Life is good. We've been blessed.

Grace and Peace,

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